The Hungarian Government unveiled the statue of George Herbert Walker Bush, the 41st President of the United States, on Tuesday in Budapest’s Freedom (Szabadság) Square.
“Hungarians have always regarded the United States a home of freedom,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at the inauguration of a statue.
During George H. W. Bush's long career and as president and vice president, He gained recognition for helping to end the Cold War and aiding democracies in central and eastern Europe.
The statue was unveiled 30 years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, the reunification of Germany and Europe, when freedom and democracy “triumphed” in Central and Eastern Europe, and when “the Hungarian people ended the dark era of communism and embarked on the path of freedom.”
The Prime Minister said President Bush had expressed support for the democratic youth’s request “to free Hungary from Yalta” since the freedom and independence of central Europe had also been the president’s dream.
David B. Cornstein - the outgoing US ambassador – added, the statue is a symbol of the US-Hungarian relationship and optimism for the future. Mr. Cornstein said President Bush had dedicated his life to address freedom around the world and help to lift people up.
The ceremony was attended by Mr. Gergely Gulyás, Minister of the Prime Minister’s office, representatives of the Bush family and foundation, former New York State governor George Pataki and former US Ambassador April H. Foley.
Outgoing US Ambassador David B. Cornstein received today the Commander’s Cross Star of the Order of Merit of Hungary for his role in strengthening HUN-US diplomatic, economic & trade relations & improving Hungary’s international image.
Read more: (HUN)
Orbán Viktor beszéde George Herbert Walker Bush, az Egyesült Államok 41. elnöke budapesti szobrának avatásán (HUN)
Orbán Viktor laudációja David B. Cornstein, az Egyesült Államok magyarországi nagykövetének kitüntetésekor (HUN)
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